2014-08-12 23:33 UTC–5

Hi! An old Farshtey Feed blog post on BZPower (summaries of PM answers from back when) says that Johmak "most likely" wears a helmet and not a Kanohi; however, the original post has been deleted, so I can't be sure how it was worded. I realize this is fairly obscure, but could you confirm/deny if she wears a helmet for her BS01 page? Thank you!

2014-08-13 08:21 UTC–5

MtMNC wrote:

Hi! An old Farshtey Feed blog post on BZPower (summaries of PM answers from back when) says that Johmak "most likely" wears a helmet and not a Kanohi; however, the original post has been deleted, so I can't be sure how it was worded. I realize this is fairly obscure, but could you confirm/deny if she wears a helmet for her BS01 page? Thank you!

Yes, that is accurate

2014-08-13 08:21 UTC–5

Andrew31kbrick193 wrote:

Are there circumstances when a Toa could train a matoran?

To do what?

2014-08-13 08:22 UTC–5

eevee435 wrote:

Why exactly did the Great Beings program the MU Inhabitants with Autonomy, psychological development etc. in some universes like Kingdom? For that matter why didn't they do so in the main universe?

1) Most likely they did it where they did it as an experiment, to see what the results would be. They didn't do it in the MU for the same reason that the people who made your toaster and your microwave oven didn't -- the Matoran were just supposed to be doing a job. They weren't supposed to be a social experiment.

2014-08-13 08:27 UTC–5

Boidoh wrote:
How exactly is Velika NOT a GB in the Kingdom? Isn't that AU's divergence because of Matoro's failure and not something that happened 100,000 years ago?

We know the major, major difference between the Kingdom and the main universe is the Matoro event. However, it is entirely possible the Kingdom could be a divergence from a divergence - it could be an alt. universe that split off from another alt. universe when the GB chose not to go into Velika. The Matoro thing is a 50-50 -- he succeeded or he failed -- which means there could be countless AUs where he failed, all of which might be different in many other ways too. Theoretically, there is an infinite number of AUs.

2014-08-13 08:27 UTC–5

rockpaper123 wrote:

What was your favorite book to write yet?ThinkingI like the ninjago novels!!





Time Trap

2014-08-13 08:28 UTC–5

alienduck wrote:

Has Gaardus died? That would explain how he managed to get to the Red Star, and then he probably teleported back?

Gaardus ended up on the red star because he died, yes. But he was sent back through the red star's system, which then broke, which is why he was being blamed for it.

2014-08-13 08:29 UTC–5

Andrew31kbrick193 wrote:

Which Toa have more control over metal? Toa of Iron, or Toa of Magnetism?

I would say Magnetism. Iron controls iron, but there are other metals besides iron.

2014-08-13 08:30 UTC–5

TwistLaw wrote:

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

Yes. The Toa Mata were among the earliest Toa built, so their design was simpler too. I am not sure you can say the other Toa necessarily evolved, because their designers were not around to do that. I think it had more to do with how Matoran thought of Toa and the impact that had on their transformations.

Thanks so much for answering Happy

One other absolutely important question: did the Toa Metru wear the EXACT same Great Mask when they were matoran?
In other words, a MOC with Nuhrii's body but wearing a Great Huna instead, would be a canonical depiction of Matoran Vakama?

That's a fairly easy question to answer. All of the Toa Metru are shown in the second movie as Matoran, so you can just check the movie to see what they are wearing.

2014-08-13 08:33 UTC–5

Phantoka123Mistika wrote:

Hi Greg, I have a few questions I would like to ask about the various species of Spherus Magna.


1) Is it possible there are more leader class Skrall on Bota Magna?

2) Were the Vorox and Zesk of Bota Magna modified by the Great Beings like the Bara Magna ones?

3) Is it correct saying that the distant ancestors of the Skrall were once of the Glatorian species?

4) Are there any slight biological differences between Agori and Glatorian of different tribes?

5) Was Gresh a child during the Core War or was he ?

5a) How long ago do you think he started fighting in the arena?

6) Were all of the Agori we met in '09 around during the War? I think I remember one (possibly Kyry) was referred to a youth in a book, but since their lifespans are so long it doesn't confirm anything.

7) Were Agori (and Glatorian) born after the Shattering still given implants?


and two others:

8) How long do you think the Core War lasted for?

9) Around how long did it take to construct the Great Spirit robot?



1) Yes

2) Unknown, we have not met Bota Magna ones

3) I don't think so, no

4) Not that I am aware of

5) I don't recall how old we said he was at the time

6) Yes, because we did not meet any Agori kids

7) In some cases, yes

8) Months, easily

9) Again,  not sure what we may have already said about this and I don't want to contradict anything


2014-08-13 08:35 UTC–5

joedatredspike wrote:

1. Are genders in the bionicle universe strictly based off of elements? (What I mean is, are all Matoran/Turaga/Toa in Ga-koro female, for example.)

2.What would you say the technology-biology ratio would be for matoran? What about Agori?

thank you for your time.

1) Yes

2) Matoran are primarily mechanical, with organic lungs and muscle tissue and potentially other organic parts that have not been identified yet. Agori, if they have implants, are probably 90% biological, and if they don't have implants, they are 100% biological.

2014-08-13 08:38 UTC–5


2014-08-13 08:38 UTC–5

pengar13 wrote:

mr. Farshtey the questions i have for you are:

  • what things from the real world influenced parts of the bionicle story. i think one thing that seemed to me to be a model for the glatorian is the Roman empire.
    • since the bionicle planet is seperated would it be possible to put the planet back together again?
  • since the bionicle planet is seperated would it be possible to put the planet back together again?
  • if two is no, is it possible to travel from one chunk of the planet to another?
  • are there toa of magnitisim or did they go extinct like the iron tribe?
  • while you where making the bionicle story  did you ever think to make the skrall good guys?
  • what things helped you create such an awesome story as bionicle?
  • which type of bionicle did you like better the minifigure type or the normal type?
  • if you were to create the bionicle story all over again what would you change?
  • there is alot of rumors involving bionicle in 2015. if this were to happen how would you design the characters pieces to be like?would it be like HF,the orignal bionicle,a mixture of both,or something different ?
  • i know this is a lot  of questions but i want have the best answers on the subject and since you created bionicle you know the most about it .

1) Yes, Glatorian were based on the gladiatorial system. Offhand, I can't remember other real-world things we riffed off of, though I am sure there were some.

2) Already happened, in 2010 story


3) Yes, there are Toa of Magnetism, but extremely few.


4) No. The Skrall were always intended to be villains.


5) We had a very good story team


6) The "normal" type were really what the line was based on. Playtheme BIONICLE was something we tried for a while.


7) I would omit 2005 story


8) If it were to happen, I would have  nothing to do with the design of the characters. That is up to the set designers.

2014-08-13 09:29 UTC–5

1) You've mentioned many times you disliked the 2005 story; why might this be?

2) Is there ANYTHING from the 2005 saga you liked? Roodaka, the Toa Hagah...?

2014-08-13 09:49 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

Andrew31kbrick193 wrote:

Which Toa have more control over metal? Toa of Iron, or Toa of Magnetism?

I would say Magnetism. Iron controls iron, but there are other metals besides iron.

Wait, Iron only controls Iron? How come Zaria was able to control Chiara and Orde in the Yesterday Quest? Were they made of iron?