2014-11-16 08:21 UTC–5

DavidM4400 wrote:

1. Does the old Bionicle Mask of Creation (2001-2010) look like the new Bionicle's Mask of Creation? (2015)

2. Is Helryix's armor Light Blue or Dark Blue?

3. What color is the Nui Stone?

4. If you got to finish the Storys would they have ever found the Great Beings?

5. Are there any other major species in the Matoran Universe that were never mentioned?

6. Are the Great Beings Bio-Mechanical or Organic?

1) No idea. I never imagined what the original mask would look like, and since this is intended to be a reboot, I doubt they would have worried about matching the original anyway. 

2) Dark blue

3) Red

4) They would have at least found some of them. Otherwise, it would have been a real let-down for an ending.

5) Not that I know of

6) Organic.

2014-11-16 08:40 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

Boidoh wrote:

Would it be a safe assumption that all Matoran on Mata Nui wore the same kanohi prior to rebuilding, and on Metru Nui, as long as it wasn't stated beforehand that they wore different masks? On BS01, on most Matoran pages, if the kanohi they wore were unknown, we just put "presumably (Kanohi)". But that is speculation, and now there is a mass deletion of the "presumably".... So,,,would most of them wear the same masks?


Same thing for occupations.

I think that would be a safe assumption with one caveat -- a lot of the occupations that existed on Metru Nui would not exist on Mata Nui (there was no mask making on Mata Nui for example), so it is unlikely they would have been doing all the same jobs they did before.

So basically, Masks = Yes, Occupation = Depends?

So if they were doing a job prior to rebuilding, but doing it on Mata Nui, would they still be doing it post-rebuilding? And vice-versa? But if they were doing it on Metru Nui, they wouldn't be doing it on Mata Nui? Or would they only be doing it if the same occupation exists on Mata Nui?

2014-11-16 08:46 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

Biomeca132 wrote:

Biomeca132 wrote:

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

maletoaofwater wrote:

maletoaofwater wrote:


-So far, we know that there were 11 total: 2 water, 1 fire, 4 ice, 1 air, and 1 stone. Of the 6 primary elements, only earth isn't represented in that list... was there a toa of earth on the Mangai team? Assuming there was, that leaves one last unknown toa... what element was (s)he?


Thanks again for answering our questions!



7) Yes, and I have not determined what the last one was

For the last one, a secondary Toa of Fire will be nice in my opinion. What do you think of it? 

Personally, I think to a Toa of Fire with regard to the first threat that the Toa Mangai had to face : the Kanohi Dragon.
As four Toa of Ice were chosen to be part of the team for the efficacity of thier powers on the Rahi beast, the presence of two Toa of Fire would seem logical : they could manipulate or absorb in theory fire breaths of the Kanoh Dragon, and so avoid probably important damages.

I repost this to put it in the same message. You haven't decide yet?

Well, it seems like you guys want to have a debate over what the last Toa should be, so I see no reason to rush a decision. Might as well let you fight it out Smile


I'll be running a poll over at BZP then.

2014-11-16 10:06 UTC–5

Question about Tehutti's Mask...


In diminished form, did Tehutti wear a Huna or a Kakama? I ran into this while changing all Matoran Kanohi from unknown, to whatever their Mata Nui Kanohi was... With this one, there is a Metru Nui Kanohi (Huna) and a rebuilt form Kanohi (Kakama), but no diminished... Which is it? BS01 says, "On Mata Nui, Tehutti was re-named Tehuti and given a replacement Kanohi Kakama. He worked in the Great Mine in Onu-Wahi as a Miner. He temporarily vacated Onu-Koro with the other Matoran when the Bohrok attacked. Tehutti was rebuilt after the defeat of the Bohrok-Kal. He was evacuated from Onu-Koro with the other Matoran during the Rahkshi attack." but I don't know what the source is... Can you shed some light?

2014-11-16 11:39 UTC–5

kyle7475 wrote:

Hey Greg:


1) Without their armor on are Toa just skeletal frames with minimal components attached? Or do you think they have more of an actual, full body underneath? 


2) This may have been clarified before, but where exactly did the GBs go after the Core War? I know they went into hiding, but seeing as Bara Magna was a giant wasteland, is it safe to assume that they all went into underground complexes?


3a) Is antidermis created from energized protodermis? It seems like it could be, seeing as they are both sentient creatures taking the form of seemignly inanimate matter, and both have special powers.


3b) If not, then is antidermis at least protodermis-based? it's probably not naturally occurring.


4) Is protodermic muscle stronger than natural muscle?


5) Would an EMP affect an MU inhabitant?


2014-11-16 13:33 UTC–5

sepublic22 wrote:
1. Did you intend for Kopaka and Pohatu to encounter other familiar faces on the Red Star? And if so, who? And on that note, what would some of the characters there have been doing- Recuperating from the process of revival, trying to escape, take over the RS, etc.?

2. Why did the Mask of Malice (from Ninjago: Stone Cold) reveal who was the one that freed him and the others to Sensei Wu? Was he unwilling to be Garmadon's pawn, or did he just do it for laughs?

3. Who was your favorite barraki?

4. What will happen with the Baterra? Will they continue attacking the new Matoran/Agori settlements? Will the Skrall ally with the good guys to get revenge on the machines? And do you think Metus will try to weasel his way into the new society with his knowledge about the Baterra, or will Tuma, Stronius, Branar, and any other skrall beat him to that offer?

5. Why did you scrap the plans to make a Shadow Toa Ahkmou?


2014-11-16 17:25 UTC–5

The Matoran prefixes for the six main elements (Ta- Ko- Ga- Le- Po- Onu-) are the beginning of the Toa Mata/Nuva's names. Were the prefixes named after them, or vice versa? And could we assume the other prefixes are named after important/famous toa of that element? Like a famous Toa of Iron with a name that started with Fe-? Or an important Toa of Gravity with a name that starts with Ba-?

Thanks for doing this question-answering, and thanks for the awesomeness of Bionicle.

2014-11-16 18:36 UTC–5

Hi Greg, I have a theory I thought up, and just wondered if you considered canonizing it.

I remember reading somewhere that Makuta were made as beings of Shadow because there were Rahi that dwelled there. But that wouldn't make such sense considering the "evil" nature of Shadow as an element, and how only some Rahi dwell in shadows, and how even more dwell in light, and really, who would need Shadow as a primary power when you already have Rahi Control?

So what I'm really getting at is simple enough: Makuta originally didn't have a main element, but they ended up being so jealous they ended up with Shadow as an element, just through dwelling on their inner shadows enough. On the flip side, the Melding Universe Makuta focused on their inner good, and ended up as having light as an element. So did the Makuta reach those elements naturally? On the contrary, could Makuta already be so elementally strong that they are more powerful than another being who naturally gained the light/shadow element?

2014-11-16 19:03 UTC–5

1) Were all Toa Mangai that remained on Metru Nui after the DH war(with the exception of Lhikan and Tuyet) killed by eliminator ? If not, is there still some chance that some of them are alive or revived ?


2) Did MU beings knew they were living inside a giant robot ?

2.1)Did Tren Krom knew ?


3) Some places in Mata Nui, like Mount Ihu and Naho bay were named after characters that existed in the story. Were Kanae(Lake Kanae), Kumu (Kumu Islets), Motara (Motara desert), Leva (Leva Bay) and Tiro (Tiro Canyon) characters as well ?

2014-11-16 19:20 UTC–5

Hello mr Greg 


1-On BS01 it was mentioned that before the shattering the people of SM were a very advanced civilization, but after this event they lost the ability to build new things. Is what the civilization of SM before the shattering was at a time futuristic and medieval like the city of Asgard of Marvel but without the gods and magic? I need this answer for my fanfiction about the GB.


2-Is what the GB have a machine to manipulate dark energy?


3-The GB have built prototypes of the Matoran? if so what they look like?


4-What type of science the GB do?

-Science in medicine
-military Science
-Science in astronomy and biology
-Science occult and nature


Is what the GB are experts in all types of science? if so to what point they are expert in these domains? sorry for this question I need this for my fanfiction...


5-The spirit's wish is the only device of teleportation that the GB have built?

2014-11-16 20:22 UTC–5
Uh mr greg sir are the toa biological or mechanical? Or both?
2014-11-16 21:20 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

Boidoh wrote:

Would it be a safe assumption that all Matoran on Mata Nui wore the same kanohi prior to rebuilding, and on Metru Nui, as long as it wasn't stated beforehand that they wore different masks? On BS01, on most Matoran pages, if the kanohi they wore were unknown, we just put "presumably (Kanohi)". But that is speculation, and now there is a mass deletion of the "presumably".... So,,,would most of them wear the same masks?


Same thing for occupations.

I think that would be a safe assumption with one caveat -- a lot of the occupations that existed on Metru Nui would not exist on Mata Nui (there was no mask making on Mata Nui for example), so it is unlikely they would have been doing all the same jobs they did before.

Something I've always wondered; If there was no mask making on Mata Nui, what happened if a Matoran broke their mask?

2014-11-17 00:21 UTC–5

Hey Mr. Farshtey thanks for answering my other questions and I have a few more:

1. How long did the Toa/Dark Hunter War last?

2. Is there any way for a Turaga to become a Toa again?

3. Would any of the Toa Hagah been in the Toa/Dark Hunter War?

4. How do you come up with names for characters?

5. What was your favorite year to wright about?

6. Are the Great Beings native to Spherus Magna?

7. Why were certain element (Iron, Plantlife, Lightning, ect.) Matoran, Toa, and Turaga not seen very often

8. Why didn't Krika "smash" Miserix when Teridax told him to but instead imprison him?\

9. What are Wigets made out of?

2014-11-17 08:23 UTC–5

Hi Greg, hope you're doing well. You said earlier that there could possibly exist other elemental masks than the ones we have already seen (Avohkii, Kraahkan, and Garai). So is the Suletu technically the elemental mask of Psionics, even though the Matoran know it as the Mask of Telepathy? I ask because it grants the wearer most of the powers of a Toa of Psionics, but at a lower level.


Also, would you class Acid as a secondary elemental power, like Lightning, Iron, Plasma etc? It is wielded by several species in the MU, though we have not seen any Toa of Acid (yet?).


Thanks again. Smile

2014-11-17 08:29 UTC–5

legoguy2805 wrote:

Hi Greg, hope you're doing well. You said earlier that there could possibly exist other elemental masks than the ones we have already seen (Avohkii, Kraahkan, and Garai). So is the Suletu technically the elemental mask of Psionics, even though the Matoran know it as the Mask of Telepathy? I ask because it grants the wearer most of the powers of a Toa of Psionics, but at a lower level.


Also, would you class Acid as a secondary elemental power, like Lightning, Iron, Plasma etc? It is wielded by several species in the MU, though we have not seen any Toa of Acid (yet?).


Thanks again. Smile

1) No, if it is an elemental mask, it is named for the element. Psionics can do more than just telepathy.

2) No. LEGO would never approve Acid as a Toa element.