2015-02-26 12:06 UTC–5

So, about the Kakama...

1.Does it have a limit of how fast it can go, and becomes faster as the user learns to use it, kinda like the Flash from DC?

2. If so, can it be used to travel through time and/or phase through objects like the Flash?

2015-02-26 12:36 UTC–5
Can the Ignika be used to bring other beings back to life, such as Rahi, and Toa/Matoran not taken to the Red Star, or does it only work on Mata Nui?
2015-02-26 12:37 UTC–5

Wilmerkardell wrote:

So, about the Kakama...

1.Does it have a limit of how fast it can go, and becomes faster as the user learns to use it, kinda like the Flash from DC?

2. If so, can it be used to travel through time and/or phase through objects like the Flash?

1) Yes, I do believe it has a limit

2) Phase through objects, yes. Time travel, no - there is no time travel in BIONICLE.

2015-02-26 12:39 UTC–5

Orionpaxg1 wrote:

when the antidermis spoke through Burtaka is sounded like if felt some respondibility to the event of the shattering, this implies it has a sense of moraltiy. which is ironic since the Makuta are evil, why is the substance "good" but the makuta turned evil ?


did the Order of mata nui decide not to destory the pool of antidermis after the revelation?


would misreix be considered good or neutral now that teridax is dead, and does he have some loyalty left for mata nui?

I would need to see the actual scene. I am not sure why antidermis would feel responsible for the Shattering, because it was energized protodermis that caused the disaster.

2015-02-26 14:02 UTC–5

1. Cultists that worship the Anacondrai

2. In the prison breakout scene in episode 43, the Ninja fight against the giant stone warrior and 2 nindroids. How come the giant stone warrior was in jail if he was trapped in the bottomless pit?

2b. How come he's not under Dareth's control, as Darethowns the helmet of Shadows

2c. The second nindroid fought by Zane was General Cryptor. How is this possible if Cryptor died in the Titanium Ninja?

3. Is the upcoming Ultra Agents villain in Antimatter's Portal HQ based off of Breakjaw from Agents? They have the same helmet, and they it use mind-controlled Sharks at some point.

4. In the NinjagoT.V. Episodes, the stone warriors had shields; how come they don't in the sets?

5. Do you have the Lloyd DX mini Figure? 

5b. How about Dareth?

6. I heard that there were two bionicle sets named "Piraka Kaita". Are these real, and if so which countries were they available in?

7. Is the "Sand Tarakava" an actual Bionicle set?


2015-02-26 14:26 UTC–5

raymondmay11 wrote:

1. Cultists that worship the Anacondrai

2. In the prison breakout scene in episode 43, the Ninja fight against the giant stone warrior and 2 nindroids. How come the giant stone warrior was in jail if he was trapped in the bottomless pit?

2b. How come he's not under Dareth's control, as Darethowns the helmet of Shadows

2c. The second nindroid fought by Zane was General Cryptor. How is this possible if Cryptor died in the Titanium Ninja?

3. Is the upcoming Ultra Agents villain in Antimatter's Portal HQ based off of Breakjaw from Agents? They have the same helmet, and they it use mind-controlled Sharks at some point.

4. In the NinjagoT.V. Episodes, the stone warriors had shields; how come they don't in the sets?

5. Do you have the Lloyd DX mini Figure? 

5b. How about Dareth?

6. I heard that there were two bionicle sets named "Piraka Kaita". Are these real, and if so which countries were they available in?

7. Is the "Sand Tarakava" an actual Bionicle set?


Do note that Greg writes/wrote Ninjago books, not the show.

1. I belive they were.

2. Plot holes, all of it. Cryptor was even destroyed once before that, and Mindroid has been destroid twice (however, he wasn't in the jail cell, too bad). All Nindroids were destroyed I believe.

3. Don't think Greg knows, but he most likely is.

4. The set designers didn't give them any, the animators did.

5. I'll leave that for Greg.

6. While I don't know what country, they are real. And no, I'm not talking about Irnakk.

7. Yes. But super rare, and an only an... unkown number was made. Hopefully atleast LEGO knows how many...

2015-02-26 14:33 UTC–5

raymondmay11 wrote:

1. Cultists that worship the Anacondrai

2. In the prison breakout scene in episode 43, the Ninja fight against the giant stone warrior and 2 nindroids. How come the giant stone warrior was in jail if he was trapped in the bottomless pit?

2b. How come he's not under Dareth's control, as Darethowns the helmet of Shadows

2c. The second nindroid fought by Zane was General Cryptor. How is this possible if Cryptor died in the Titanium Ninja?

3. Is the upcoming Ultra Agents villain in Antimatter's Portal HQ based off of Breakjaw from Agents? They have the same helmet, and they it use mind-controlled Sharks at some point.

4. In the NinjagoT.V. Episodes, the stone warriors had shields; how come they don't in the sets?

5. Do you have the Lloyd DX mini Figure? 

5b. How about Dareth?

6. I heard that there were two bionicle sets named "Piraka Kaita". Are these real, and if so which countries were they available in?

7. Is the "Sand Tarakava" an actual Bionicle set?


1) I don't recall that being mentioned in the story bible

2) I don't write for the TV series, so I can't speak to what they are doing there.


3) Not to my knowledge, no


4) Again, I don't write for the show and I am not a set designer, so not something I am qualified to answer.


5) No, I don't have any Ninjago sets.


6) Not something I recall, but that would have been 2006, so that's nine years ago.


7) Not a released one, no. I believe it made it as far as prototype stage, but that's as far as it got. So it was never on shelves.

2015-02-26 14:49 UTC–5
Ok so today the last one (episode 44) of the animated series of LEGO ninjago came out in the UK!! Me and my brother are both wondering if there will be another season and more after that? We literally sre addictied to these i'm 14 and he's 9. Even my mum loves them!! Please make more they're so good and they're not all rubbish like some of the programmes on kids TV 😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️
2015-02-26 15:23 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

keiththelegokid wrote:

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

keiththelegokid wrote:

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

keiththelegokid wrote:

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

keiththelegokid wrote:

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

keiththelegokid wrote:

Can a Krahka use masks like a toa can?

We never saw any evidence that Krahka could use mask powers, no.

So if a Krahka turned into a toa and put on a mask would it work?

Krahka can duplicate natural abilities, which is why she can turn into Vakama and use his fire power. There's no evidence she can duplicate equipment powers, plus it is doubtful she has the mental discipline to use a Kanohi even if she had a real one.

So could others     of a Krahka race use a mask if they had enough mental discipline?

Doubtful. They are Rahi. Rahi generally don't have the capability to use mask powers.

If one became intelligent enough would it work?

It's not really about intelligence. It's about mental discipline. You are controlling a lot of power with just your willpower, and if you don't have the proper discipline, you can't do it. It's sort of like being really strong and trying to break a concrete block with your hand,  like martial artists do - that's about more than strength. It's willpower and discipline and focus at work there.

So if a Krahka had enough mental displine could he use a mask?

Yes, but that's not going to happen. (And Krahka is a she, by the way.)

I know but my roleplay character is the same species as a Krahka, but he is male.

2015-02-26 15:43 UTC–5
1. Can we edit our posts on the message boards? And if so, how?
2. Is the Golden Skinned being a Skaldi or a completely different creature?
3.What is the Shadowed One's real name?
4. When are the season 4 Ninjago episodes airing in the U.S.?
5. At the NYCC 2014, there were 7 14K gold BIONICLE masks on display. They were the 6 new toa masks and the Mask of Creation. If they are to be given away, how will they, and will they come with the display stands?
2015-02-26 15:43 UTC–5
What I meant was antidermis in its base form does not appear evil and wants to help mata Nui restore spherus magna
Unlike the Makuta who wish to rule
2015-02-26 18:50 UTC–5

In the orignal MNOG the Tarakava that attacked Ga-Koro was reffered to as a "she" when you click on the Ga-Matoran who is attending to the Rahi in the Rahi after Gali had removed the infected mask from it.

2015-02-26 18:53 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

toanuva867 wrote:
Hell, I have a few questions about the 2001-2010 Bionicle theme.
1. Can beings other than Toa Nuva use Kanohi Nuva?
2. Were all Makuta loyal to Miserix executed?
3. Was Matoro's body sent to the Red Star to be revived?
4. What happened to Spiriah's Toa Hagah team?
5. How did Ancient originally make contact with the Order of Mata Nui?
6. What species is Shadow Stealer from, and is he the last of his kind?
Thank you!

1) No

2) Yes


3) No, because there was no body to teleport. His body transformed into energy.


4) Don't recall


5) Not something we ever decided upon, since it wasn't going to be shown in story


6) Shadow Stealer was a fan creation, so the background on his character came from what the fan submitted. So what is out there on him is what exists.

2. Actually, Krika and a few others were loyal to him, but managed to stay alive.

2015-02-26 18:56 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

raymondmay11 wrote:
1. Will the Mask of Control and the Mask of Ultimate Power appear in any of the Gen. 2 sets?

2. What is your favorite Ninjago character?
3. How come the Season 4 episodes were leaked before they came out in the U.S.?
4. were the Anacondrai Warriors Cultists before their transformation?
5. Will any of the other elemental masters (besides Karloff, Griffen Turner, and Skylor) appear in a set?
6. Who's your favorite character in the Bionicle reboot?

1) Even if I had this info, I am not allowed to discuss plans for future sets.

2) Jay

3) I have no idea. I don't work on that end of things.

4) Cultists of what kind?

5) I can't discuss future set plans

6) I am really that up on the reboot at this point. I'm not involved in it and I'm not doing the Club writing for it.

2. List you're favorite Serpentine Tribes, in order of favorite, to least favorite(this includes Anacondrai)

2015-02-26 18:56 UTC–5

Hello Greg!


Nidhiki in mutated form had silver armor, however the Iruini set, that was originally ment to be Nidhiki, is gold, as is Lhikan's, would it be silver, gold or just plain earth green?