2015-05-18 09:46 UTC–5

1) So if any toa can infuse things with elemental energy, what about makuta? Can they charge a defensive structure with shadow or light?

2) Same question on skakdi?

3) Is there any known upper limit on how much one can charge a rhotuka?

4) Can the makuta power of quick healing heal normally irreparable wounds?

5) If someone used a disk of fusion on one or more kaitas, what would happen? Would the kaitas shatter, possibly disrupting the fusion?

2015-05-18 09:59 UTC–5

WillBrownman wrote:

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

WillBrownman wrote:

1) Did Kanoka exist on Mata Nui? Some Matoran have different masks from their Metru Nui masks, and I doubt they got new ones in the time between Metru-Mata.

2) Is it possible for there to be more Kanohi Nuva than the ones we've seen? EG Huna Nuva?

3) Do Sidorak's species and Keetongu's species have a name that you know of?

4) What do the revived... dudes... do in the Red Star have, like, jobs there? What do they do with their spare time?

Thanks! Smile

1) Kanoka could certainly have been brought to Mata Nui

2) Not to my knowledge

3) No, we never gave them names

4) Keep in mind the RS was not designed to hold a population. The risen were supposed to be sent back immediately. So there is no system for them to be employed, etc.

1) K. But how would they make the masks? Did they have forges?

4) So what goes on there? Do they just sit around until they just kinda... lose it?

5) Where did the organic material come from when the Turaga upgraded the Matoran, and the metal for that matter.

6) Are Matoran names just arbitrary, without any derivatives from the matoran language, or are they words?

7) Could more than one Av-Matoran become a Toa of Light, or is Takanuva the only Av-Toa ever going to exist?

8) Who created the Agori/Glatorian?

Thanks! Smile

I think this got buried. Smile

2015-05-18 10:09 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

Orionpaxg1 wrote:

1 Of all the Barraki, which one in your opinion is the most redeemable(possible to turn good)


2 Does magic exist in Bionicle? becuase the Dark Hunter Conjurer seems to think so


3 Can the golden skin fusion infuse matoran with Toa energy, or can only a Great Being do that


4 Is it possible for Miserix to regain his inner light? or become a good guy

1, 4) I don't really believe in redeeming characters, Orion. I believe a good villain is a villain for a reason, and they are not just going to suddenly turn good. They may do good things, but it will be out of their own self-interest, not because they have suddenly become virtuous.

2) No


3) You mean through the dream-granting power? It's a good question. I would be interested to hear what other people think on it.

3. Well, it seems that it can grant any dream. Should a Matoran dream of being a Toa, it would happen. In addition, could the power be used theoretically to bring Matoro back to life? Could the Ignika do it?

2015-05-18 14:51 UTC–5

The wiki says the golden-skinned being can't resurrect the dead. However, that doesn't necessarily mean it can't make a Matoran into a Toa. However, it would need to be able to override destiny.

2015-05-18 17:58 UTC–5

Hey Greg, What is the difference between a the powers of a Rahkshi of Chain Lightning and a Rahkshi of Electricity?

2015-05-18 20:59 UTC–5

Why is the Mask Of Charisma not considered an immoral mask?


It forces the target to agree with the user, overriding the target's will.


BS01 describes it as: "The Mask of Charisma is a Kanohi that allows its user to subtly alter the perception of one or more targets, changing how they view the world until they agree with the user's views and serve their cause."


That sounds more like inline with Makuta than OoMN. Can the mask of Charisma force a target to do something that they don't want? Like kill someone?

2015-05-18 21:06 UTC–5
Do Toa (and other MU beings) have hydraulic systems inside them? If they do, is there enough water present for a Ga-Toa to be able to restrict and control their movements? If not, do they still have enough water inside of them in liquid form for a Ga-Toa to work with?
2015-05-19 08:47 UTC–5

1:would the silver Krana Kal of the destroyed bohrok Kal retain the memories of the former bohrok kal if they were placed in new bodies?


2a:if a Makuta were to create a Matoran, would they use the same process as Rahi making or something similar to the matoran making machine


2b: if so could they give Matoran toa energy upon birth?


3:did some of your story ideas from bionicle take inspiration from D.C. comics?

2015-05-19 09:10 UTC–5

Constructman2 wrote:
Do Toa (and other MU beings) have hydraulic systems inside them? If they do, is there enough water present for a Ga-Toa to be able to restrict and control their movements? If not, do they still have enough water inside of them in liquid form for a Ga-Toa to work with?

No details were ever created on how their internal mechanical systems work. For all I know, it could be a system that doesn't even exist on Earth.

2015-05-19 09:14 UTC–5

TonksM wrote:

Why is the Mask Of Charisma not considered an immoral mask?


It forces the target to agree with the user, overriding the target's will.


BS01 describes it as: "The Mask of Charisma is a Kanohi that allows its user to subtly alter the perception of one or more targets, changing how they view the world until they agree with the user's views and serve their cause."


That sounds more like inline with Makuta than OoMN. Can the mask of Charisma force a target to do something that they don't want? Like kill someone?

A few points:

- Normally, masks like this -- something that stops short of outright Mind Control -- cannot make a user do something that violates their moral code. If there is a pre-existing moral objection, then the command simply won't take.

- As far as the OOMN goes, the OOMN is to the Toa what the CIA is to your local police department. The OOMN does all sorts of things that skirt the line between good and bad, because it's their job to do the things Toa can't and won't do.

- I certainly think you can make an argument on the morality of this mask. On the other hand, couldn't it be used to, say, stop a riot? Is its use really that different from what a great speaker can do in our world? I am not asserting it is a perfect and wonderful mask, but I think there is room for debate.

2015-05-19 09:15 UTC–5

Andrew31kbrick193 wrote:

Hey Greg, What is the difference between a the powers of a Rahkshi of Chain Lightning and a Rahkshi of Electricity?

If you want to hit multiple targets with electricity who are standing, say, 10 feet apart, you need to either fire two blasts, or fire one really big one that is probably going to weaken you for a bit. With chain lighting, you fire one normal blast, it hits Target A and then leaps on its own to hit Target B.

2015-05-19 09:21 UTC–5



Thanks! Smile

1) Kanoka could certainly have been brought to Mata Nui

2) Not to my knowledge

3) No, we never gave them names

4) Keep in mind the RS was not designed to hold a population. The risen were supposed to be sent back immediately. So there is no system for them to be employed, etc.

1) K. But how would they make the masks? Did they have forges?

4) So what goes on there? Do they just sit around until they just kinda... lose it?

5) Where did the organic material come from when the Turaga upgraded the Matoran, and the metal for that matter.

6) Are Matoran names just arbitrary, without any derivatives from the matoran language, or are they words?

7) Could more than one Av-Matoran become a Toa of Light, or is Takanuva the only Av-Toa ever going to exist?

8) Who created the Agori/Glatorian?

Thanks! Smile

I think this got buried. Smile

1) Forges are not that hard to create. However, it is also possible that along with the Kanoka, they brought extra masks and forges were not needed.

4) Most of them aren't all there at this point anyway. Those who are would most likely be trying to figure out how to repair the system so they could get out.

5) I could give you a lame answer on this, but the truth is, the idea of the Matoran rebuilding themselves came from the fact that the set designs had changed. Our initial feeling was simply that the additional material for parts could have been brought from Metru Nui, and the organic tissue would grow as it needed to on its own.

6) They do not have other meanings that I am aware of.

7) "Could", yes, but we had no plans to introduce more Toa of Light into the story.

8) Not something I am going to get into, as it would wind up provoking religious discussion which is not allowed here.


2015-05-19 10:51 UTC–5

1. Were the Great Beings Humanoid?

2. Were they fully organic?

3. Were the mammals?



2015-05-19 15:27 UTC–5

Wilmerkardell wrote:

1. Were the Great Beings Humanoid?

2. Were they fully organic?

3. Were the mammals?



In my opinion, yes, yes, and yes

2015-05-19 15:39 UTC–5

Hello again!


Just one question this time: since the Ignika was sentient, is it safe to assume that the Vahi and Mask of Creation were too, or was the Kanohi's sentience a product of its control over Life?